Suminagashi Projects by James Dean

Our resident artist James Dean has been doing some incredible Suminagashi pieces lately.

So what is Suminagashi?

“Suminagashi” is the art of paper marbling which appears to have began in Japan around the 12th century. Suminagahshi means ‘floating ink’ and this art form works uniquely well as a tattoo, using the flow of the clients natural form to get a one of a kind piece that sits perfectly on each person.

Check out these beautiful pieces James has completed over the last year, you can see there’s a lot that can be done with a Suminagashi tattoo!

Have a look at some of the new concepts James has been working on, combining Suminagashi with his style of solid black line work.

Click the link below to book in with James to start your own Suminagashi project. These always start with a consultation to discuss design ideas and figure out the correct placement and flow of your floating sumi. These can be big projects that require commitment from both the client and artist, James is here to guide you through the process and you’ll come out with a beautiful and unique piece of art!