Return from New Zealand with a beautiful black fern tattoo

If you’ve come to New Zealand on holiday, or if you’re a backpacker living here for a year, no doubt you’ve been blown away by the landscape, hospitality, and culture of Aotearoa.

If you’ve decided to leave us (shame on you!), then taking a tattoo home with you is the perfect souvenir. Not only does it look awesome, but it’s a great conversation starter when you’re back home, and a reminder of the best time of your life.

Grab a Black Fern Tattoo

Nothing is more Kiwi than beating Australia in rugby, but coming a close second is our national emblem, the black fern.

The black fern has been accepted as a symbol of New Zealand’s national identity since the 1880s. To Māori, the elegant shape of the fronds stood for strength, stubborn resistance, and enduring power. To Pākehā (Kiwis of non-Māori descent), the fern symbolised their sense of attachment to their homeland.

To you, it can represent your travels, the good times you had, and the friends you made.

And beating Australia in the rugby.

Choice bro!

The fern isn’t just a native plant. It’s a symbol of New Zealand, it’s culture and its people. The association with our armed forces, sports teams, and politics gives it a deep emotional connection for Kiwis, and is a figure of pride for all New Zealanders.

As a visitor here, you can take a little piece of that home with you, and spread the love of New Zealand around the world for us.

Come and see us at Sunset Tattoo, and our resident Ta Moko artist Tristan will be happy to design you a black fern that’s unique to you.

Tristan himself is of Te Rarawa descent, and his blackwork, geometric designs, and pattern work are exceptional.

Contact us today if you would like to book in for a black fern tattoo, or just pop by our studio off K-Road and we’ll be happy to have a chat.